Friday, March 18, 2011

7th chemo

Reg was excited knowing this is his 7th chemo, his second last one. This is another milestone telling him how much closer to the end.

After dropping Jed to school, Anita returned home to pick up Reg. PArking was hard due to road work with the new cancer building on its way. They thanked God's provision when they did make it in time to the hospital.

To their surprise, they were greeted with people handing out "green" cupcakes as soon as they walked into the hospital. Yes, it's St Patrick's Day. The clinic was decorated with balloons and Irish theme, nurses wearing green accessories to brighten up the place. Of course, it was limited only to the Haemotological and oncological unit. Reg was even sitting next to a patient who dressed for the occassion, with a big green hat and a bright green T-shirt! It was an effective way to destress the patients and with a light hearted talking points.

Soon, it was back to seriousness with regards to Reg's condition. After assessment and blood test result, it was green light to go ahead. Praise God for answered prayer! This time, Reg's left hand no longer can be used for the catheter due to some minor swelling. They decided to use the right hand which has a blood clot. Thankfully, the nurse managed to find a good vein and in no time, Reg was hooked up. The nurse told Reg jokingly, she has saved the best one for the very last time since it is getting harder with each chemo to find a good vein.

The haemotologist came and checked on Reg's blood clot in the leg and decided that Reg will need to be on blood thinner for three months everyday. The good news is that after radiotherapy, Reg can revert to oral drugs rather than injection.

Reg has also been referred to see a dermatologist with an unusual pigment change in his finger. The family pray this is nothing serious. While the chemo therapy is coming close to an end, Reg and Anita needs to prepare for radiotherapy in a month time. They thank God that the haemotologist was happy for them to change to Royal North Shore for treatment due to location. Otherwise, it will be a logistic madness on a daily basis to visit St Vincent for the Chan's family.

There is still a lot of unknown with regards to radiotherapy, but the family is taking things one step at a time. Appointment has been made with the specialist for April, and presumably, they will understand more when the time comes. Meantime, Reg is trying to rest from the chemo treatment with the usual morning sickness. Anita on the other hand is praying to get some quality sleep at night with no disturbance from both Reg and Jed.

Jed is doing well and learns to pray for the world events as well as for the family. Anita was trying her best to reassure Jed that God is still in control of all things because Jed struggled to see why God sent a tsunami and earthquake to Japan after disasters in New Zealand and Queensland. Anita is still pondering how to explain simply to a little child about the devastating judgment on mankind by God without losing sight of God's grace in Christ Jesus.

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