Thursday, March 3, 2011

6th Chemo treatment

Jed is finally well, and in good timing, it is now Reg's turn for his chemo treatment. Anita thanked God that they're just taking turn, so she can manage them one at a time.

After the usual preparation, blood test and stocking up the fridge, organising pick up of Jed from school, the Chan's household were as ready as they can be this morning. All went smoothly from drop off to school to busy traffic to hospital to parking. Reg adn Anita has decided to use the chapel in the hospital to pray before they went into the cancer unit. They both felt at peace and were ready to face the 6th treatment.

They were greeted with familiar nurses and noticed the colourful balloons around. It was one fo the nurses' birthday. Cheerful environment gave the place a lift, yet it was a very busy morning. The blood test result was good, and so they expected Reg will get hooked up very quickly. Unfortunately, after 20mins, the nurse was still having trouble to find the vein. Anita commented that the vein has decided to play hide and seek. Apparently it was a common thing that the more treatment, the harder it becomes to find the vein. Due to Reg's other swollen hand, the nurse had no choice but to work with one hand only. In the end, another senior nurse came to try. Thankfully, she did it after a few more attempt.

During this time, Reg's haemotologist flashed by, and broke the good news that the PET test result was good. They waited til mid day before the haemotologist sat down to check on Reg and explained the good news. Reg has been responding well to the treatment, the tumors are shrinking. Anita thought Reg may not need to do radiotherapy or reduced dose, but unfortunately, the good news means all as planned previously. Reg will receive two more treatment then radiotherapy everyday for three weeks. Yet they were just thankful and knew their Heavenly Father has heard everyone's prayer and indeed He has been so good to them.

Reg and Anita chatted with the patient's wife who sat next to them. Her husband was also a lymphoma patient, but this was his third remission. He was rather saddened that it kept returning. And REg and Anita were so lost of words how to comfort them, but only wished him the very best as they were leaving. Another lady suffered lymphoma and was in the exact same treatment as Reg. She lost all her hair, and had to lie on a bed. There was no opportunity to find out why, but both Anita and Reg knew Reg had been so blessed in all that he has been experiencing. They knew they can only thank their God for His goodness to them.

Jed was very happy that he could play with his friend after school. REturning home, he was very tired and managed to eat half of his dinner and he was happy to go to bed quickly.

AFter a long day, Reg and Anita looked forward for a day of rest tomorrow after Jed is at school. They continue to pray that the side-effect is under control and ask God to continue to heal Reg and they still look forward to the day when they shall recieve new bodies and be with Christ in Heaven!

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