Sunday, February 20, 2011

Progressing Well

Reg is continuing his usual morning sickness and feeling weak and tired easily, otherwise he is progressing well.

It was a difficult morning for Anita to leave the house seeing Reg with his usual morning sickness. But trusting God that he would be fine, (knowing she couldn't do much except to let him rest), she took Jed to church. Thankfully, it all went well. Jed enjoyed Sunday School, Anita enjoyed church, Reg slept through the morning and felt better. The heat was wearing him out, so the family decided to find an air-conditioning place for Reg to rest, while Jed could play in the afternoon. There is no ideal place, but they decided to risk it as Reg was finding the heat unbearable. Even though, Reg could not really rest, at least he managed through the afternoon, while Jed was happy to see a school friend and had a great time in a nearby hotel.

Anita had been thinking a lot after church. She has been thinking about Christ second coming becuase of today's sermon. She seriously longs for it, but still pondering how the day will not come until the man of lawlessness will be revealed and that the gospel will be spread to the ends of the earth? YEt she is thankful that the scripture has only called for standing firm in the faith, and she was comforted that our Lord JEsus Christ Himself and GOd our FAther who loved us and gave us eternal comfort adn good hope through grace.

Another thing that striked Anita to think hard was she has been told repeatedly by church people that they (the family) should be closer to God during this time. It really makes Anita to ponder why she should be closer to God during this time, and not other time? Should calamity or sickness be the reason we're closer to God? It frightens her that indeed she felt not much difference in terms of her closeness to God before or during this time, yet she could not explain why she isn't. In fact, it striked her even more as to how do we measure this closeness? She understands that we're to draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Yet, that closeness to God is only brought by Christ's blood, and not by how often she prays or how much God's word she have read. She has no answer but decided that she must continue to repent and ask for God's grace and mercy in Christ to stay close to God. She continues to pray for the salvation and healing of her family and awaits for Christ's return.

1 comment:

  1. Reggie,

    You must overcome everything with God. I must pray for you.

