Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Getting Ready again

The time has come, but this time is not Wednesday. So Reg and Anita have the luxuary of sending Jed to school, then getting ready.

Anita did her usual thing, stocking up the fridge for the weekend. Reg on the other hand was to get his blood test done.

To their surprise, the haemotologist rang Reg and said he was still trying to organise the PET scan that was meant to have done after his last treatment. So Anita & Reg are praying that the doctor can seriously managed to do it this time, as it has almost been a month since he last said he will do it. Waiting has always been hard when no one knows what's ahead; yet it is a precious lesson that both Reg and Anita are still learning. Ultimately it is a call to "trust"!

The unsettled spirit was indeed calmed and comforted by the Word of God as Anita sat down and read her Bible. She was reminded to know that the God she has trusted is the Lord indeed. In Deuteronomy 29, Moses reminded his people how God had led them for forty years in the wilderness through trials, signs and great wonders, even their clothes and sandals had not worn out; all with the purpose for them to know that "I am the Lord, your God".

It is this same God that has led the Chan's household through this trial of life. They have seen blessings upon blessings that came to the house, even Reg has not loss too much hair, he has not been hospitalised so far, he was well enough to go out, etc. This mighty God of history will continue to lead them through the battle that is ahead. The unknown is difficult for those who want to be in control, but the family is humbled and reminded to trust and obey their God who is Lord!

Tomorrow is another day and they ask for a good night sleep and continuous trust for His guidance in the journey ahead.

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