Rising early this morning, Reg went for his PET scan test at RPA on his own. Praise God that the process went smoothly. Reg stayed away from the family for 6 hours, but the family is happy it has finally been done. They will know the result on this Thursday when Reg goes on for his 6th chemo treatment.

"mmm...is this food??"
Anita had a mild food poisoning from take away Chinese food on Sat night. Thankfully Reg only ate very small portion and with mild effect. Anita had chills and fever, but subsided by late morning and rested at home, and tummy finally settled later on that night.
Jed's cough has improved and he will be sleeping alone in his own room again, and hopefully Anita could get some decent sleep from now on.
The Chan's household has been visited by an unusual visitor. It is a goanna (perhaps a lace monitor??) about 74cm. (Anita went up close and measured it). Interestingly, the creature is still not willing to leave and has moved to their kitchen's window. They are still deciding whether they need to call someone to return the creature to the wild. Anyone who is reading the blog and know about wildlife, please give them a call.
They have also been visited by a bush turkey this morning. It was yelping loadly at their roof top and jumped to their next door neighbour's lawn while Anita was saying goodbye to Reg. The wildlife visits certainly brightened up the household on the mundane home life. They praise God for His creation.