Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chemo 3rd dose

The Chan's family got ready early this morning for Reg's thrid dose. Thankfully, they only needed to be in the hospital by 10am, so they dropped Jed at 9am rather than 8am as in the past. It felt like luxury to have breakfast before they ran off. Jed was delighted to have his morning story time without mummy fuzzing to rush him off for breakfast as soon as his eyes were opened. Unfortunately, daddy had a bad night sleep and the thought of chemo made him feel ill already.

Thankfully, the run to hospital had been a smooth operation. The blood result came on time, and as soon as they finished praying at the waiting room, they were called in for Reg to get "hooked up" again. This time, they did not get their little secluded special corner, but they were in the centre stage in the chemo room. They could observe all the buzzing and fuzzing at the nursing station. They could see other frail patients and even some with intense pain. They heard about one woman was offered a private room, so the child can do something while waiting on her mum. They heard about other patients also offered private room because of their immense pain that they needed a bed during the chemo, instead of a sitting position like Reg. Deep inside, Reg and Anita knew how blessed they have been throughout Reg's treatment so far.

While they were waiting for the "OK" to go ahead, they have noticed a beautiful book sat near Reg's chair. It was a Wildlife Photography Yearbook. Reg & Anita were delighted to be distracted by such a book. REg even got excited as each photo was given the description of technique used to capture the moment including camera details. Then they were greeted by the haemotologist, social worker and dietitian one by one. Throughout the whole time, Anita has been noticing the patient next to them has come and gone and Reg has still not yet started. Obviously something is not right. The nursing station was busy with ringing around and they have only discovered that there has been a delay with the delivery of the drugs. It was past 1pm that the drugs were delivered.

With every drug that was given, the nurse has to ask Reg about his name and date of birth. Then with another nurse, they doubled check to ensure it was prescribed to the correct patient. The procedure was repeated 4 times for 4 drugs being used on REg. IT was rather funny to see them repeating themselves so many times for the smae procedure, but they were thankful for their ultra caution to ensure absolutely no mistake was tolerated for the patient's sake.

While REg was on chemo, Anita once again running around organising next appointment for Reg, getting more drugs, booking lung test for Reg and buying lunch. She couldn't resist but asked what happened to those who came alone to do the chemo? Once again, Reg and Anita has discovered how blessed they were to have a partner to do the leg work, because for many, they will have to do the additional work post chemo. As for ANita, the thought of doing the injection at home on your own was frightening, and was only thankful that she queued up to buy the drug for the nurse to do it on site. She has also realised there is a definite use of her going in with Reg to the hospital each time.

Unlike the first two times, Reg felt tired and a bit sick soon after the chemo. Quickly they left the hospital to pick up Jed from friend's place. They were delighted to know JEd had fun and behaved himself well all day. To their surprise, Jed even had a go at doing some writing exercise and learnt to subtract numbers. Anita could not resist but must enquire how. Feeling a bit ashamed to admit she has neglected Jed's learning all this time, she now has a new project to slot in her already busy life at home. Only praying God will give her wisdom and time to do such project!

On their way home, Anita dropped by the chemist to get more drugs. With disblief, she had spent almost $100 just on drugs for Reg in one go. Anita must get on with applying the health care card quickly. Another project for Anita!

Jed resisted strongly for Anita to do any work after a whole day not seeing her. At the end, Reg cooked dinner, so Anita could calm Jed down. Praise God, Reg felt well enough to do the last stretch before retiring for the day. The doctor gave Reg a new drug to try to "bomb" him out tonight, they just prayed that the drug will work, so both Reg and Anita could both get a good night sleep. No matter what tonight will be, they just praise God that it was a good day overall and they are grateful for all the little blessings God has given them throughout the day.

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