Monday, February 28, 2011

PET Scan done

Rising early this morning, Reg went for his PET scan test at RPA on his own. Praise God that the process went smoothly. Reg stayed away from the family for 6 hours, but the family is happy it has finally been done. They will know the result on this Thursday when Reg goes on for his 6th chemo treatment.

Anita had a mild food poisoning from take away Chinese food on Sat night. Thankfully Reg only ate very small portion and with mild effect. Anita had chills and fever, but subsided by late morning and rested at home, and tummy finally settled later on that night.

Jed's cough has improved and he will be sleeping alone in his own room again, and hopefully Anita could get some decent sleep from now on.

" this food??"

The Chan's household has been visited by an unusual visitor. It is a goanna (perhaps a lace monitor??) about 74cm. (Anita went up close and measured it). Interestingly, the creature is still not willing to leave and has moved to their kitchen's window. They are still deciding whether they need to call someone to return the creature to the wild. Anyone who is reading the blog and know about wildlife, please give them a call.
They have also been visited by a bush turkey this morning. It was yelping loadly at their roof top and jumped to their next door neighbour's lawn while Anita was saying goodbye to Reg. The wildlife visits certainly brightened up the household on the mundane home life. They praise God for His creation.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Restless Night

Jed didn't go to school on Friday until the swap result was cleared from Whooping cough. Thankfully, one of the school mums took Jed to play with her son, so Anita and Reg could have a bit of rest as well as doing some grocery shopping. Reg was happy that he could remove his mask at home when Jed was not home. Anita put the mask on just in case she is a carrier.

Unfortunately Jed was coughing very badly in the middle of the night. Anita just could not sleep used the time to pray that he really didn't have whooping cough. The fear was huge for Jed might have passed it to his school friend and his family. As to Reg, he will need to be totally isolated from the family as well. It was an absolute restless night as Jed kept coughing continuously. Strangely, he was much better by day time. The family praised God when the doctor told them that Jed is definitely clear. It was such a huge relief.

Reg on the other hand felt great and in a much better form than Jed and Anita. Initially today was a day for father & son bonding, but becuase of Jed's cough and Anita needed to take her mother-in-law to city, Anita's sister came to the rescue to mind Jed in her house. The family just thanked God in providing timely help through the kindness of others.

Reg recently has been sharing with Anita about a Bible passage that talks about the ostrich in Job 39:13-18 "For God did not endow her with wisdom or give her a share of good sense," yet God's providence made man speechless. The passage gave the family a great sense of hope in God, for at times, there is a sense of helplessness or lack of control which deflates their spirits. Yet they are reminded their sovereign God continues to provide and protect the young even to those who lack wisdom and with little sense.

Reg will go for a PET scan very early on Monday at RPA. Once again, he needs to stay away from home for 6 hours becuase he will be radioactive and it is not good for Jed. He has to go on his own while Anita take care fo Jed. The family is not only learning to fit in with the different needs of each family member, they have realised a time to be together is not to be taken for granted.

The result of the scan is important, yet the goodness of God that has guided them so far in this journey really help the family to trust their good God in all things. They thank Him for the peace that transcends all understnading.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Eventful Day

Jed has not been well and continued with fever last few nights. Thankfully, this morning he was good, and Anita thought he could return to pre-school. Jed was excited that he could go to school as he was bored at home. Anita decided she should let the teacher know that he was only well this morning for the first time and may need to call her if there shall be any changes. Little did she know that the school apparently had an outbreak of whooping cough. Jed had a few cough and needed to see the doctor to get a clearnace. Feeling so upset, Jed reluctantly went home with mummy.

Poor Reg recieved a call that they were to come home meant he will continue to be alienated. However, Anita took Jed straight to the doctor to get a swap test for whopping cough and only found out her car has broken down when they were ready to go home from the doctor. It took almost an hour for NRMA to come. Thankfully, Jed has his school bag with him, so he has food to eat. MEanwhile, Jed was learning the real meaning of being "patience". They waited at the school for the school nurse, then at the doctor then at the carpark for road assistance. Anita tried her best to keep Jed occupied. They were just happy to reach home by mid-day.

Reg on the other hand recieved the good news that the PET scan has finally been scheduled. It will be on Monday, and the family pray the scan result will show he is responding to treatment.

Jed unfortunately returned with fever again tonight. Anita has not been sleeping well at all with Jed being sick and she was so exhausted and she just pray she can have a good night sleep tonight despite Jed's fever.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The inevitable has happened!

The inevitable has come, Jed is not well!

Jed was complaining of sore throat this morning, but felt fine after breakfast and was a happy little boy playing all day non-stop. Unaware of anything, Anita even took Jed to the library for story time, to swimming lesson and let Jed play with daddy. It was until tonight, when she put Jed to sleep that she had realised Jed was rather warm. It was low grade fever, but the house is in alert.

Quarantine is a must in the Chan's household. Everyone has to wear mask to avoid further spreading of germs/virus. Knowing Reg's immunity is low, Anita must decide who she should even sleep with tonight, and she has decided to better stay with Jed, since she most probably got the virus from Jed already. It is definitely safer for Reg to be on his own.

The family does not know what Jed has got yet, but they are praying that Reg during this time did not catch anything. They know they are in God's hand and can only plead for mercy to spare Reg from getting sick as well.

Reg's right hand has also swollen up. They have decided to wait and watch. They just prayed it is similar to last time and nothing to be alarmed. REg has also been feeling extremely low in energy, hopefully it is not the virus from Jed.

Anita on the other hand felt guilty to have taken Jed to the indoor play area yesterday knowing it is easy to catch bugs from other kids especially in such hot weather. Yet facing the hot weather and trying to find an escape for the whole family, it was a hard choice. Anita is aware all these are part of the package with all cancer patients in terms of the risks and side effects, yet she is now torn between both Reg and Jed, and to complicate the matter, she is indeed the carrier of germs/virus. It is too late to reverse the event of today but she knows she could seek her mighty God for help and know for certain, whatever happens in the end, God is sovereign and He is the One who holds tomorrow. Much prayer is needed for the household.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Progressing Well

Reg is continuing his usual morning sickness and feeling weak and tired easily, otherwise he is progressing well.

It was a difficult morning for Anita to leave the house seeing Reg with his usual morning sickness. But trusting God that he would be fine, (knowing she couldn't do much except to let him rest), she took Jed to church. Thankfully, it all went well. Jed enjoyed Sunday School, Anita enjoyed church, Reg slept through the morning and felt better. The heat was wearing him out, so the family decided to find an air-conditioning place for Reg to rest, while Jed could play in the afternoon. There is no ideal place, but they decided to risk it as Reg was finding the heat unbearable. Even though, Reg could not really rest, at least he managed through the afternoon, while Jed was happy to see a school friend and had a great time in a nearby hotel.

Anita had been thinking a lot after church. She has been thinking about Christ second coming becuase of today's sermon. She seriously longs for it, but still pondering how the day will not come until the man of lawlessness will be revealed and that the gospel will be spread to the ends of the earth? YEt she is thankful that the scripture has only called for standing firm in the faith, and she was comforted that our Lord JEsus Christ Himself and GOd our FAther who loved us and gave us eternal comfort adn good hope through grace.

Another thing that striked Anita to think hard was she has been told repeatedly by church people that they (the family) should be closer to God during this time. It really makes Anita to ponder why she should be closer to God during this time, and not other time? Should calamity or sickness be the reason we're closer to God? It frightens her that indeed she felt not much difference in terms of her closeness to God before or during this time, yet she could not explain why she isn't. In fact, it striked her even more as to how do we measure this closeness? She understands that we're to draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Yet, that closeness to God is only brought by Christ's blood, and not by how often she prays or how much God's word she have read. She has no answer but decided that she must continue to repent and ask for God's grace and mercy in Christ to stay close to God. She continues to pray for the salvation and healing of her family and awaits for Christ's return.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The 5th dose of chemo

The day began with Jed waking mummy with his usual bright and shine smile. Knowing time is the essence if everything is to run smoothly without frantic madness, Anita got up quickly without waking Reg. Jed was cooperative and they left home to be the first arrived to school and only realised there was a meeting of some sort and had to wait. Thankfully, Anita made it home in time to pick up Reg and arrived to the hospital in good time. They thank God's provision when they saw a car just pulled out for them to park closely to the hospital.

The routine of going in to be "hooked up" becomes second nature, however, Reg is having bad association and feeling "blue". Reg was greeted by a different nurse, so he was searching for some familiar faces since this is their first time for a Thursday treatment. He found some regular staff and felt a bit cheerful by the nurse who served him last time esoecially she got a new bright ginger hair this time! Realising there was only one spot left in the room, the clinic indeed was full. The busyness went on and eventually Reg got the clearnace with blood test result and ready for hooked up.

More pain, more discomfort and loss of appetite this time round, but no major problem. Anita tried her best to distract Reg by looking at the photography book of the year again. Later, the haemotologist came and still telling them that he is trying to organise the PET scan and they'll be notified when it is done. Understanding the doctor is trying his best, they both resumed to their book with no further comment.

The long day has finally come to an end, when Reg felt so tired from just sitting for so many hours. Anita on the other hand was fine since she got to run around and it did make the day to go much faster. Both Reg and Anita was so grateful to know they did not need to rush to pick up Jed from school, as one of the school mums is helping to pick up Jed. God was kind, Reg came home just in time before the thunder storm striked. Anita then went out and picked up Jed who complained why mummy came so early because he wished he could stayed on and played. As parents, they have realised Jed indeed has adapted to the frequent stay with different friends and learning to enjoy himself in the midst of it. So Reg and Anita thank God for answered prayers and His work in helping Jed to be strong.

Reg was so tired that he had a nap during dinner time. Thankfully he was well enough to have a light meal tonight. The family continues to pray for his "morning sickness" will not be an issue and a good night sleep. Yet they are grateful for a peaceful day and the help and support that came along. Since Jed has to go to preschool again tomorrow, both Reg and Anita can have a rest day tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Getting Ready again

The time has come, but this time is not Wednesday. So Reg and Anita have the luxuary of sending Jed to school, then getting ready.

Anita did her usual thing, stocking up the fridge for the weekend. Reg on the other hand was to get his blood test done.

To their surprise, the haemotologist rang Reg and said he was still trying to organise the PET scan that was meant to have done after his last treatment. So Anita & Reg are praying that the doctor can seriously managed to do it this time, as it has almost been a month since he last said he will do it. Waiting has always been hard when no one knows what's ahead; yet it is a precious lesson that both Reg and Anita are still learning. Ultimately it is a call to "trust"!

The unsettled spirit was indeed calmed and comforted by the Word of God as Anita sat down and read her Bible. She was reminded to know that the God she has trusted is the Lord indeed. In Deuteronomy 29, Moses reminded his people how God had led them for forty years in the wilderness through trials, signs and great wonders, even their clothes and sandals had not worn out; all with the purpose for them to know that "I am the Lord, your God".

It is this same God that has led the Chan's household through this trial of life. They have seen blessings upon blessings that came to the house, even Reg has not loss too much hair, he has not been hospitalised so far, he was well enough to go out, etc. This mighty God of history will continue to lead them through the battle that is ahead. The unknown is difficult for those who want to be in control, but the family is humbled and reminded to trust and obey their God who is Lord!

Tomorrow is another day and they ask for a good night sleep and continuous trust for His guidance in the journey ahead.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feeling Well

Reg has regained energy and feeling quite well this weekend.

Jed was so excited that he went to the Australian Reptile Park on Sat with friends, while Reg & Anita caught up with Reg's sister from overseas. Everyone was surprised how long it has been that they were able to sit at a cafe and had a decent conversation uninterrupted. Indeed, Reg and Anita could only thank God and their friends in fulfilling one of their summer holiday plans for Jed before they knew Reg had cancer.

The goodness of God and the love of others have really helped Reg in his journey of sickness. The fifth treatment is scheduled on Thursday the 17th. The family just knew the unfailing love of God and His faithfulness will continue to give them the strength that is required.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The cool air has put a smile on Reg

The Chan's household is just absolutely delighted with the farewell of the heat wave. Indeed, Reg has been able to feel much more relaxed and has a better smile on him.

The side effects seemed to have been much more managable this time. Reg is now doing very well since yesterday besides teh general tiredness. The family really priased God for His provision and cared.

Jed has been happy to return to pre-school and was saddened for the loss of a few good friends who moved up to Kindy. He was asking mummy when he can go up to Kindy like his friends. Thankfully, he still has some other friends remaining in pre-school with him. Anita on the other hand has noticed Jed is now less clingy and better at separating from mummy. She really thanked God for answering her prayer, especially with a new school term.

The normality of chemo treatment has really settled into the Chan's family life. Reg is also getting better at taking drugs. The family is only praying that the chemo treatment is working in destroying the cancer cells. They will only find out the result after a PET scan which will be scheduled after next chemo treatment. So they continue to pray to their God of healing to work in Reg's body through the chemo treatment.

Friday, February 4, 2011

What is rest?

Reg is managing as well as he could. Besides the "morning sickness" and feeling nauseated, he is doing very well in general.

After chemo, Thursday was the first day that REg & Anita could rest together. Even it was Chinese New Year, there was no celebration as both wanted to rest. Reg wanted to get out of the house for a rest in an air-conditioning environment for he had been house-bound for awhile. Anita on the other hand was so exhausted that she much rather stayed in the house even with the heat, knowing she'll only have more work piled up for her to do later, if she has gone out. So what is rest? Laying around doing nothing, or having a break from what you have been doing? Anita still prefers and longs for the "rest" that can be found in Christ, for it is the ultimate rest. At the end, they have agreed to go out and settled at a quiet cafe. Time flew quickly and it was time to pick up Jed from school.

Today, it was agreed that they would stay home. Reg was more tired than yesterday and did not wake up until almost 10am. Anita was filled with envy, yet continued to be a loving wife and made Reg breakfast. Reg was weak and still nauseated and vomited a bit. Thankfully he was much better when visitor came by. By afternoon, REg was feeling stronger and wanted to get out of the house and so he went with Anita to the school to pick up Jed. Of course, he stayed in the car in the comfort of the cool air.

Anita on the other hand could not even opened her eyes by noon and retreated into her bed with a massive headache. She laid down and napped for almost two hours to recover from her exhaustion. Both were glad that Jed was at school and the weather cooled down a lot more today.

The Chan household had a family dinner with Reg's side of the family and two other friends from overseas. IT was a pleasant dinner with lots of noise. Yet they are thankful Reg was feeling better than expected and could managed to go out for dinner. So the family continue to thank God for how well he has been coping with the chemo treatment. They really pray for good rest as well as Reg's nauseation will subside quickly. With the heat that is yet to come tomorrow, they pray that God will do a miracle to change it, but they are also prepared to accept it and trust that God's grace will be sufficient for them to overcome it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

4th Chemo

It was a busy, tight scheduled day from early in the morning. The Chan's household did everything with military precision. All went as scheduled: Jed was at pre-school by 8:30am, picked up Reg at 9am and just made it to St Vincent by 10am.

TO their delight, blood test was good, no delay with chemo drug delivery. No doctor visit, just social worker and nurse. So everything went very smoothly and they really thank God for answering their prayers.

Reg felt a bit nauseated, but no vomits during chemo. He saw an older man collapsed during chemo with doctors and nurses rushed in for assistance. In comparison, Reg indeed is doing very well. Anita did her usual stuff in obtaining multiple drug scripts, making appointments, talking to the social worker and nurses.

To their surprise, the chemo ended much quicker than last three times. So they didn't have to wait for the Leukemia Foundation transportation to take REg home, but they left together, and Anita just dropped Reg at the door, and rushed to pick up Jed. Jed was happy to see mummy made it to school to pick him up.

By late afternoon, all three were exhausted. Reg was exhausted from the heat and chemo, Anita was exhausted from all the running around, but continued to cook for the family, Jed was tired from first day of pre-school. Yet the family prasied God for a blessed day that they have managed everything.

The next few days will be tough for Reg, and they continue to pray to their Heavenly Father to show mercy, that the side effect will not make Reg very sick, and the heat will subside, so he may rest well. Yet they remember the cyclone that is yet to come to Queensland is much more devestating to many and they can only pray for others that the damage will be minimised, and no death will be resulted from such disaster.

The family has also been blessed with the tsunami of fish soup coming their way. The family is sufficient for the moment until they have more storage space.

Tomorrow, the family pray for a good rest day for the household as Jed will be at school, so hopefully, both Anita and Reg can rest for awhile.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Getting Ready

Reg will be in hospital tomorrow for his 4th chemo -- this is a big mile stone as it is half way mark.

Today, the family took it easy by staying home to reserve energy. The heat is wearing Reg out, but it was important for him to stay home with the portable air/con, since the whole week will be over 30 degrees. He managed well even he is still sweaty but he didn't drip! Anita tried to cook with as little heat as possible to avoid making the house heat up. To Jed, the heat didn't affect him in being active around the house. So the family is grateful for the invention of fans and air/con, as well as a day of rest. They also pray for strength and courage for Reg, and Jed to adapt to the school day's routine, and with a new teacher.